Wednesday 13 March 2013

QUESTION TWO - How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups

Posture/Gesture: The posture used in the two images is quite different. My image shows the artist being very 'open' as if they are going to tell the reader something (which is what my double page spread focuses on) where as the image from Kerrang shows the artist as closed, as if they are slightly insecure and hiding something from the reader.
Angle: Both of the images are at a point of view level. The two images are looking directly at the model, as this makes you focus more on the facial expressions being used. Both of the images appear to have a very direct connection with the reader.
Shot Type: Both images use a medium close up shot. This shot allows the reader to see what is being worn, as well as feel as if they are on the same 'level' as the artist, as the shot is quite intimate.
Lighting: I have used natural lighting for my image, as this gave the image a more 'monotone' feel. The natural lighting makes the image appear to be more realistic and less posed, and seen as though my double page spread is all about the artist opening up, this seemed to be more appropriate. The lighting used in Kerrang however is studio lighting, which makes the artist appear to be more pale- this makes the audience see that this is how Gerard likes to appear, and so they will connect with this and strive to appear similar.
Costume/Hair: The medium close up shot allows the reader to see the 'rock' like mise-en-scene. By doing this you can see the red shirt my model is wearing (that goes with my cover and double page spread) and you can see the grey shirt and black jacket on the image from Kerrang. This allows readers to connect more as they can see what there favourite artists like to wear, and how they present themselves. My model has hair covering his face slightly, which makes him appear to be more insecure, as it is as if he is hiding in a way- but by doing so, this fits in with the rock genre, as it is stereotypical for those in rock magazines to have long, uncared for hair. Differently the image from Kerrang shows their model with his hair scraped back- this shows his facial expressions more and shows us that he is not afraid of 'anything' and this is suited to the rock genre as it seems he is an intimidating person.
Expression:Both of the images have a very monotone feel about them. Both my model and Gerard Way have very little expression at all- they are both very stern looking because of the lack in emotion. This shows us that perhaps something negative has happened, or that this is the way the rock genre is to be presented.


My magazine has a very 'mature' rock feel to it. The target audience is therefore those who are older teens/young adults. The magazine is likely to contain bad language, and so would be more suited to those who are over 16. The dark colours used are more likely to draw in the attention of males, however some females may also find this appealing, as the main image is of an 'attractive' male. Gerard Way (on Kerrang) is seen to be looking directly into the camera which makes him appear to be aggressive and unapproachable- this represents the genre as one that is dark and 'negative.' The article in Kerrang is one about the band My Chemical Romance, and so Gerard is seen to be very casual and unposed, however as my article is a tell all about one artist I have made my model still appear to be rockish by holding their eye-line at the camera but is stood with their arms open to represent that all is being said. And so,  (mostly male) young adults are represented here, as they are likely to be drawn in to what the magazine contains.

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