Wednesday 13 March 2013

QUESTION SIX: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product

I have used Blogger to show my progress. Every piece of work I have completed I have uploaded onto Blogger, so that I can see the process of my magazine being completed through research and planning and finally the actual creation of it. 

I used a Canon 450D SLR camera to take the test shots and pictures for my magazine.

I used iPhoto and Image Capture to import the pictures I took.

I used PhotoShop to create my magazine.

I used FaceBook, Tumblr and Twitter to get feedback from my target audience on my magazine.
I used InDesign to create my contents page on my college magazine- I found this challenging and so used photoshop to create my entire music magazine.

I used Flickr to annotate my magazine throughout the evaluation process. 

I used Prezi throughout my research and planning as well as on my evaluation to clearly present my magazine.

I used iShowU throughout my research and planning and evaluation to show my progress and the process of creating my magazine. 


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