Thursday 6 September 2012

Research and planning - Skin Tutorial

This is what I produced for my Photoshop tutorial. To begin with I removed her blemishes, I did so by changing the diameter of the fix spot tool and applying it. I then changed her hair colour using the brush tool. I zoomed in, and then extended her eye lashes by changing the diameter of the brush tool, and applying small black lines. I then changed her eye colour and lipstick by again, changing the diameter of the brush so it was fit for purpose and then applying it. I then softened the brush and changed the colour to pink- I then applied blusher, I changed the colour once again, this time to brown and enhanced her eyebrows.

Some of the enhancements look a tad 'fake' however this is so the enhancements stand out- and I will get used to making the enhancements appear less noticeable as time goes on and my knowledge of Photoshop expands.

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