Friday 14 September 2012

Research And Planning - My Questions Answered

I showed three different people my magazine draft, and asked them some questions (listed below) that will help me to improve the design.  

Analysis of target audience response- 

Those who answered my questions mostly thought that the colours were appropriate, however one person did mention that they may not be, and so I decided they could be a little brighter (as our college's signature colours are) and so, I will consider this when making my magazine.  
One person also said that I should come up with a more accurate, neater design, and so I shall use a ruler tool when actually creating my magazine cover and contents page. 
The three people who I asked said they would read my magazine, however all said that more detail as to what the magazine actually contained was needed on the cover. Because of this I am going to make better coverlines, as this will make my magazine seem more engaging. 
On asking what people would like to be included in the magazine, two said job vacancies, and so I will ensure that this is listed as one of the cover lines. Another person said they would like information about the college included, and so I will consider adding this on my contents page. 

And so, with these questions now answered, I can begin working on my college magazine cover and contents page.  

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