Saturday 29 September 2012

Research And Planning - My College Magazine Evaluation

College Magazine - Evaluation


The cover of my magazine sticks to three colours- yellow, green and purple. And so, my magazine follows the three colour rule. However, I used a publishing line, and I wrote this in white, and although the white is not used throughout, it may make the magazine to appear less professional as I am using more colours than the norm, but not repeatedly. All of the font sizes I used are appropriate. The masthead is in the biggest, boldest font as this is the thing that needs to stand out the most, and therefore does so. All of my coverlines are the same font, and so this makes my magazine look professional as he layout is clear and easy to follow.  The photograph used on my cover is appropriate, as it is a picture of a college student, and so the image is fit for purpose. However, the photo was taken at an inappropriate time, as the person was laughing, and so, this therefore makes the image unattractive and slightly inappropriate as the image lacks seriousness. The stories on the cover are all appropriate, as I did research and found what kind of things people would want in the magazine, and used the popular ones as coverlines.

Contents Page-

 My contents page sticks to three colours, yellow, green and purple, which is the same as the cover, which means not only have I stuck to the three colour rule, but you can also tell that the contents page and cover are both from the same magazine. The font sizes used on my contents page are appropriate, as they are all clear to see, and the stories are all written in the same way, which, similar to the cover, makes the contents page easy to read, and makes it very clear. The image used on the contents page is well taken and appropriate. I wanted the image on the contents page to not appear too staged, and to show a true representation of the college. And so I asked some of the college students to have their picture taken, and did so. The image is clear, and shows them being themselves, which shows the reader who the magazine is aimed at (normal college students.) I do however now think that I should've included more images, as I believe that the contents page looks a bit 'plain.' There are enough stories on the contents page, as there are not only the cover lines but also a few more. They are laid out clearly and there aren't too many, as college students are likely to find this boring.

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