Tuesday 2 October 2012

Research And Planning - Magazine Cover Analysis Two

The age range for this magazine would probably be around 15/16+ as some of the content of the magazine is clearly going to be slightly inappropriate. Panic! at the Disco are on the cover, along with artists such as U2 and The Kooks. All of which produce music that is not suited to younger audiences, and so, is aimed at those at a more mature age.  

Both male and females are likely to find this appealing, and will be interested in reading it. The cover shows the image of an attractive male rock band, and so some may be attracted to this, and those who aren't would be drawn into the other bands stated, and shown in smaller images. The cover does not discriminate, it is fitting for both genders, and just depends on what music you like.  

A main interest with this magazine would be fans of the bands shown, and those with an interest in the music industry, as both will be engaged to read about all the different bands, and finding out new things about them.

The main image is of Panic! at the Disco. The image its self shows the band being themselves, and so this represents the band as a whole. The band represents all rock artists, as we know by looking at them what the magazine is going to be about. 

The genre of this magazine is clearly soft rock/punk rock. The main image shows a very famous rock band Panic! at the Disco, and so, we can already see what kind of thing the magazine will contain. The colours also show us this, as the colours used are all rather sharp, and really eye catching, which shows us the genre being presented is one that is snappy, a little different, but not too 'dark.' 

The layout of this magazine is quite 'clear' and 'plain.' The fonts used are all the same/very similar, and so the magazine does not seem too busy. The main image is a medium close up shot, and so the band are presented in a very serious manner, with a sense of importance. Due to the eye-level angle the band seem somewhat intimidating, which makes us know the band are 'all that matters' here. The writing used is predominantly red and white -and so the magazine has used even less than the three colour rule. This means that it is easier to bring in other colours (such as the blue background) as well as making the layout seem neater, and more professional, and shows us that the magazine is well thought of. 

The language used on the cover is all very bland and plain. This makes us want to continue reading to find what the magazine actually contains, and so the media is very appealing as it makes people want to purchase the magazine. 

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