Friday 26 October 2012

Research And Planning - Equipment List

SLR Camera - (To take images)

iMac- (To run applications and put magazine together)

Research And Planning - Test Shots




Of the pictures I have taken, the best are those that were taken outside. I found that the natural lighting made the images take clearer, and therefore more lifelike. Those taken inside seem to come out with a yellowish tint, and so this would not be appropriate. The images taken with manual focus (the close up yellow flower image, for example) seem to be clearer, and so I will probably use manual focus when taking my images.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research And Planning - Audience Feedback


This is the audience feedback for my music magazine drafts.
All of those asked thought that the colours used are appropriate, and so I shall keep the scheme the same.
The first person asked thought that more coverlines need to be added, and so, I will take this into consideration when making my final drafts.
Two out of the three people asked thought using two people on the cover is appropriate, and so, the majority of my target audience like this, so I will keep this the same.
The colour used on my double-page spread was not the same as my contents page and cover, and this was picked up on, and so, I will ensure that my magazine keeps the same colour scheme throughout.

Research And Planning - Software List

- Photoshop (to edit images)
- InDesign (to create double page spread and contents page)
- Excel (to plan what I am doing and when)
- PhotoBooth (to import the images I have taken)
-Internet (to run sites such as dafont)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Research And Planning - Props And Costume List

- Red Skinny Jeans
- Black Skinny Jeans
- Black Converse
- Red Converse
- 1x Plain Black T-Shirt
- 1x Black T-Shirt, With Red On It
- 1x Black/Red Guitar


All of the clothing and props I own are easy to get. I, or someone I know, owns all of the clothing, and so this will be easy to get. However, if there is anything I do not currently own or cannot find I will look through clothing that is available to me and see what is best suited, and use this instead. The only prop I wish to use is a guitar, which should be quite easy to find as many of my friends and many people in college play.

Friday 19 October 2012

Research And Planning - Audience Questions

I will ask these six questions to people who are likely to read my magazine in order to collect reliable data on what needs doing in order to make my magazine fit for purpose. 

Research And Planning - Production Schedule

This is my production schedule. It is a rough plan of what needs doing, and when I will do it. By doing so hopefully this will help me with time keeping, and will help me to remain organized.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Research And Planning - Questionnaire Results

Research And Planning - My Questionnaire

This is my questionnaire. I will give this out to ten different people, in order to collect fair and accurate opinions so that I can create a magazine cover that is fit for purpose.

Friday 12 October 2012

Research And Planning - Music Magazine Drafts

This is my draft for the cover of my music magazine- 

This is my draft for the contents page of my music magazine- 

This is my draft for a double page spread in my music magazine- 

Research And Planning - Contents Page Analysis

This is a contents page from an old issue of Kerrang. 

The age range for this magazine would probably be around 15/16+ as some of the content of the magazine is clearly going to be slightly inappropriate. Bring Me The Horizon are shown in a medium close up at eye level, and are the 'main' aspect of the contents page, and their fan base is mostly those at an older age. Other artists are shown on the page, and all of them produce music that is not suited to younger audiences, and so, the contents page shows us that the content is clearly aimed at those at a more mature age.  

Both male and females are likely to find this appealing. The main image is of a band who have both male and female fans, and those who aren't would be drawn into the other bands stated, and shown in smaller images. The contents page is therefore fitting for both genders, and just depends on what music you like.  

A main interest with this magazine would be fans of the bands shown, and those with an interest in the music industry, as both will be engaged to read about all the different bands, and finding out new things about them.

The main image is of BMTH. The image its self shows the band being themselves and interacting with fans, showing that the band is clearly caring, and so this represents the band as a whole. The band represents all rock artists, as we know by looking at them what the rest of the magazine is going to be about. 
The text used is all under the main image, and is set out into four columns. By doing so we aren't ever distracted by the 'other' thing. We look at the image and then go on to read the actual contents. 

The genre of this magazine is soft rock/punk rock. The main image shows BMTH, who are a famous rock band- by doing so we see the genre clearly as the band is representing this. The image is slightly 'dark' however the text is in yellow and on a white background. By doing so we see the magazine is balanced, and not completely 'dark' it is therefore presented as a rock/punk magazine through the contents page alone.

The layout of the contents page is quite 'clear' and 'plain.' The fonts used are all the same/very similar, and so it does not seem too busy. The writing used is predominantly black and yellow -and so the magazine has used even less than the three colour rule. The image is large at the top, however the text is in a different section at the bottom, by doing so we can focus on one thing at once and the page does not appear to be too 'busy,' This means that it is easier to bring in other colours as well as making the layout seem neater, and more professional, and shows us that the magazine is well thought of. 
The language used on the contents page is all very bland and plain. It is simplistic and to the point. This makes us want to continue reading to find what the magazine contains, and so the media is very appealing as it makes people want to read deeper into the magazine.

Research And Planning - Double Page Spread Analysis

This is a double page spread from an issue of Kerrang. 

The age range for this spread would probably be around 14-18. The spread its self contains little to no bad language and content, and so it is appropriate for all. However the band does produce music that is not suited to younger audiences, and so, is aimed at those at a more mature age.  However, those who aren't at an age where music is 'important' and have more important things to spend their money on would not be interested. 

Both male and females are likely to find this appealing, and will be interested in reading it. The image is of an attractive male rock band, and so some may be attracted to this. The band shown has a very mixed fan base, and so a single gender is difficult to determine, as this spread would be appealing to both.

A main interest with this magazine would be fans of the band My Chemical Romance, and those with an interest in the music industry, as both will be engaged to read about the band and finding out new things about them.

The main image is of My Chemical Romance. The image is a mid shot, which shows the whole band in a small space, but also presents a feeling of importance.  The image its self shows the band looking somewhat serious, and so this represents the band as a whole. The spread is all about the band 'maturing' and so by having a 'serious' image the band is represented in this manor.  The band therefore represents all rock artists, as we know by looking at them what the magazine is going to be about. 

The genre of this magazine is soft rock/punk rock. The image used is large and so you cannot ignore it. By doing so we pay attention to what the band represents, and so this presents the genre. All the colours used are 'dark' yet simple, this is showing us that the spread is towards the genre of rock, and not that of rap/pop for example. 

The layout of this spread is quite 'clear' and 'plain.' The fonts used are all the same/very similar, and so the magazine does not seem too busy. The writing used is predominantly red and white -and so the spread has used even less than the three colour rule. This means that it is easier to bring in other colours (such as the black background) as well as making the layout seem neater, and more professional, and shows us that the magazine is well thought of. The image is large and there is only one used. The image is a medium close up shot. By using this we see what the spread is about, and we are drawn into read more.
The spread is very simplistic, and so it is appropriate to those likely to read it, meaning the article will be read and people will pay attention to it.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Research And Planning - Masthead Drafts

Above are three possible mastheads for my magazine cover. I have tried out different fonts, colours and names that I think are suited to my genre, and will get an appropriate audience to give an opinion on what they think would suite my magazine best. 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Research And Planning - Magazine Cover Analysis Two

The age range for this magazine would probably be around 15/16+ as some of the content of the magazine is clearly going to be slightly inappropriate. Panic! at the Disco are on the cover, along with artists such as U2 and The Kooks. All of which produce music that is not suited to younger audiences, and so, is aimed at those at a more mature age.  

Both male and females are likely to find this appealing, and will be interested in reading it. The cover shows the image of an attractive male rock band, and so some may be attracted to this, and those who aren't would be drawn into the other bands stated, and shown in smaller images. The cover does not discriminate, it is fitting for both genders, and just depends on what music you like.  

A main interest with this magazine would be fans of the bands shown, and those with an interest in the music industry, as both will be engaged to read about all the different bands, and finding out new things about them.

The main image is of Panic! at the Disco. The image its self shows the band being themselves, and so this represents the band as a whole. The band represents all rock artists, as we know by looking at them what the magazine is going to be about. 

The genre of this magazine is clearly soft rock/punk rock. The main image shows a very famous rock band Panic! at the Disco, and so, we can already see what kind of thing the magazine will contain. The colours also show us this, as the colours used are all rather sharp, and really eye catching, which shows us the genre being presented is one that is snappy, a little different, but not too 'dark.' 

The layout of this magazine is quite 'clear' and 'plain.' The fonts used are all the same/very similar, and so the magazine does not seem too busy. The main image is a medium close up shot, and so the band are presented in a very serious manner, with a sense of importance. Due to the eye-level angle the band seem somewhat intimidating, which makes us know the band are 'all that matters' here. The writing used is predominantly red and white -and so the magazine has used even less than the three colour rule. This means that it is easier to bring in other colours (such as the blue background) as well as making the layout seem neater, and more professional, and shows us that the magazine is well thought of. 

The language used on the cover is all very bland and plain. This makes us want to continue reading to find what the magazine actually contains, and so the media is very appealing as it makes people want to purchase the magazine. 

Research And Planning - Magazine Cover Analysis One

The age range for this magazine would probably be around 14+ as some of the content of the magazine is clearly going to be slightly inappropriate. Gerard Way is on the cover, and some of the music he produces (along with the bands listed to the bottom of the cover) contain bad ideas and language, therefore meaning this magazine is not likely to be aimed at younger people.

Both male and females are likely to find this appealing, and will be interested in reading it. The cover shows the image of an attractive male, and so some may be attracted to this, and those who aren't would be drawn into the other bands stated. The cover does not discriminate, it is fitting for both genders, and just depends on what music you like.  

A main interest with this magazine would be fans of the bands shown, and those with an interest in the music industry, as both will be engaged to read about all the different bands, and finding out new things about them.

The main image is of Gerard Way looking very happy, showing that the magazine lacks seriousness. It shows us that the contents are likely to be 'laid back' and 'fun' and that those who read it shouldn't be serious, and should be laid back people who are not easily offended.  

The genre of this magazine is clearly alternative rock/punk rock. The main image shows Gerard Way, a very famous alternative rock singer. The colours also show us this, as the colours used are all rather 'dark' but then occasionally has the use of brighter colours, and this shows us that the magazine is not completely 'dark' and therefore isn't hard rock/metal. 

The layout of this magazine is quite 'busy' in that the text used is on different angles and different fonts and font sizes are used. This shows us that the magazine is a very 'packed' one, and is full of interesting things. The image is a mid-shot of the main singer of the band presented right in the middle of the page. By using this layout we see that the magazine is clearly got a lot to do with the singer and what he represents.  The writing used is predominantly red, white and yellow- meaning the magazine has stuck to the three colour rule. This makes the layout seem neater, and more professional, and shows us that the magazine is well thought of. 

The language used on the cover is all appropriate, and so we get a feel for the audience it is aimed at by only imagery. The image used is appropriate to the rest of the magazine, and so are the coverlines- meaning the whole magazine is fit for purpose, and the media and appearance is appropriate.