Friday 16 November 2012

Research And Planning - Double Page Spread Idea

I have decided to do an interview style/question and answer for my double page spread. I will focus on my 'bands' new album release, as this is common in soft rock/punk magazines (my genre.)  

Research And Planning - Double Page Spread Examples

There are many things that you can do on a double page spread- from interviews with a band to reviews of a song. I have collected different examples of double page spreads as research to help me determine what my double page spread should contain..

Interview Style (question and answer) -





Diary Style-

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research And Planning - Female Make Up Idea

Through my research, I have found that with my genre (soft rock/punk) females will often wear 'heavy' make up, that is mostly dark colours. I have used shades of blue, grey and light black to create a base to the eye shadow, and then used a liquid eye liner on the lid, with pencil eye liner blended slightly above. I have then used heavy eye liner below the eye, and added a very heavy layer to create the rock/punk look..

Research And Planning - Male Eye Make Up Idea

My music magazine is a soft rock/punk genre, and so through research I have found that males may often where 'guyliner' however, they do not use 'heavy' make up. I have used some light shades of brown and orange with thin eye liner as a draft/idea for the make up I will use on my models..

Research And Planning - Start Of Producing Music Magazine Cover

I have began to work on my magazine cover- this is how far I have got up to now....

Research And Planning - Model

Today (Wednesday 14th November 2012) I asked someone (who is appropriate to my magazine genre)  if they would be willing to be a model for my magazine. They have said that this would be fine and we are currently discussing a date that would be best suited for us both during late November/early December.

Research And Planning - Risk Assessment

Research And Planning - Location Recce

Research And Planning - Plan For The Week

This week, I plan to..

  1. Produce one location recce & risk assessment
  2. Begin production of magazine
  3. Start writing my double page story
  4. Extra genre post

Sunday 11 November 2012

Research And Planning - Costume Examples

I plan to dress my models in red and black, as this goes with the colour scheme of my magazine.. Here are some examples of artists associated with my genre wearing this type of clothing, as this where I will get my ideas from-

Research And Planning - Related Magazines

Here are some examples of magazines that are similar to the magazine I will be creating-

Research And planning - Model Head Shots

Here are some examples of potential models for my music magazine-

The first model I have used here has a 'pop' look about her, which would not be suitable for my genre- however she does have dark hair and so I could change her make up and make her more fitting to my genre. The second model has 'heavier' make up and darker hair, and so I believe that she is more suitable to my genre. The third model has the 'right' hair for my magazine, and so he is a potential model, however I believe that the last model is most suitable for my genre.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research And Planning - Make Up Drafts

The genre of my magazine is associated with 'darker' make up, and the make up worn is usually a little 'different' to what is mainstream. I am using male models, and so I have researched what kind of make up is commonly wore with males associated with my chosen magazine genre. I have looked at images of those who are associated with the genre in order to determine what kind of makeup my models should have.

Examples -

Research And Planning - Production Plan

Reseach And Planning - Examples Of Artists

When making my magazine I may need to include mentions of other artists of the same genre, and so here are some examples of artists that fit in with my genre-

Research And Planning - Location Shot Examples

My genre is quite 'dark' and so, the location is likely to be one with a sinister twist. Also, the music genre I am using is somewhat 'grungy' and associated with gigs, and so a small stage may also be appropriate.


Research And Planning - Plan For This Week

My Plan For This Week - 
  1. Publication Plan
  2. Two Additional Research Posts 
  3. Model Head Shots
  4. Analyse SLR Test Shots 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Research And Planning - Final Drafts

I have created new drafts for my music magazine with adjustments based on my audience feedback-


Double Page Spread-
