Saturday 29 December 2012

Research And Planning - Possible Props

The pictures I have taken so far do not include any props, I did however want to take some pictures for my magazine that included some form of instrument, preferably a guitar- as this is suited to my genre. I have recently found a model who will let me use their instruments as props, as well as let me use them as another model.

Here are some pictures of the possible props - 

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Friday 7 December 2012

Research And Planning - What Needs To Be Done

I need to-

  • Take images for my magazine
  • Finish my cover page
  • Finish my contents page
  • Begin my double page spread

Research And Planning - Todays Progress

During todays lesson I have been modelling for a friends magazine, and so I have not made much progress on my contents page. I have began placing the coverlines, however a lot of work is still needed to be done.

Research And Planning - Single Model Examples

I have decided to use only one model on my cover page- and so, I have researched some examples of covers fitted to my genre, that only use one model.